24 /7 On-site Emergency Service for Clients
Heath Road, North Walsham, NR28 0JB
01692 407126 or 07880 233835

Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 08.30 - 18.30
Evening consultations 19.30 - 21.30 available by prior arrangement
Sat 09.00 - 12.30
24/7 On-site Emergency Service Please call the surgery to be directed to the veterinary surgeon on duty

Toll Barn Vets Pre-Operation Guidelines
Please note these are generic guidelines and may differ for certain procedures and for pets with pre-existing medical conditions such as Diabetes. If you have any questions please ask a member of our team for clarification. If your pets condition deteriorates before your appointment date please contact the surgery on 01692 407126 immediately.
Dogs and Cats
If your pet has been booked for a procedure requiring sedation or general anaesthetic please do not feed them after 10pm on the evening before their procedure. In order to avoid prolonged periods of fasting please make sure your pet has some food between 5.00pm and 10.00 pm the night before surgery. Water can remain available. If your pet is on medication please confirm with our team whether this should be given as normal on the day of surgery.
The hospital stocks a comprehensive range of prescription and commercial pet foods as well as freshly prepared food such as chicken or fish so there is normally no need to provide food for your pet. However, if your pet has particular dietary requirements please inform us. Please note due to hospital infection control policies it may not be possible to feed raw food within the hospital. If your pet is normally raw fed please discuss this with our team.
The length of your pets stay will depend on the condition being treated. Most procedures are day procedures which do not require an overnight stay, however, medical cases and some surgical procedures may require overnight stays. The vet in charge of your pets care will advise you on the likely duration of your pets stay.
If your pet is having a surgical procedure it is important that they are as clean as possible to minimise the risks of post operative infections so please avoid walking dogs in mud or dirty water prior to surgery. If possible we ask you NOT to bath your pet within the 24 hours prior to surgery as this can increase the risk of infection.
We routinely offer Pre-anaesthetic blood tests for patients undergoing sedation or general anaesthesia. These blood tests are performed in our in-house laboratory on the day of surgery and allow us to detect any pre-existing liver or kidney disease which we may not be aware of if the pet is not showing symptoms. This blood test is offered for all patients and is recommended for patients over the age of 7. Please feel free to discuss whether this would benefit your pet at your admission appointment.
Your pet may leave the hospital with a small bandage on one of their legs to reduce bruising at the intravenous catheter site. This dressing can be removed in 1 hour. If your pet has a protective bandage over a surgical site please follow your vets instructions regarding removal and ensure this dressing remains clean and dry. If your pet appears distressed by the dressing or any smell or discharge becomes apparent please contact us immediately.
If you pet has undergone surgery please ensure your pet does not manage to lick, bite or scratch their surgical wound. We have a range of buster collars, soft collars, inflatable collars and medical pet shirts available so please contact us to discuss the best option for your pet.
We understand that leaving your pet within our hospital is always a stressful time and we will try to call you with regular updates during their stay. However, we are also always happy for you to give us a call for an update at any time throughout the day. Please make sure we have an up to date contact number for you and that you have this phone with you throughout the day so we can contact you if required.
If you have any questions regarding your pets care or procedure please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01692 407126
Small Mammals and Exotic Pets
With the exception of reptiles please do not withhold food or water as these pets have a fast metabolic rate and require regular feeding. The fasting period for reptiles will vary with species so please contact our team so we can advise further.
We recommend bringing a selection of your pets favourite foods to encourage them to eat during their stay.
If your pet is having a surgical procedure please bring them in a carrier with newspaper or towels rather than straw or shavings as this reduces the risk of wound infections after surgery.
Your pet may leave the hospital with a small bandage on one of their legs to reduce bruising at the intravenous catheter site. This dressing can be removed in 1 hour. If your pet has a protective bandage over a surgical site please follow your vets instructions regarding removal and ensure this dressing remains clean and dry. If your pet appears distressed by the dressing or any smell or discharge becomes apparent please contact us immediately.
If you pet has undergone surgery please ensure your pet does not manage to lick, bite or scratch their surgical wound. We have a range of buster collars, soft collars, inflatable collars and medical pet shirts available so please contact us to discuss the best option for your pet.
We understand that leaving your pet within our hospital is always a stressful time and we will try to call you with regular updates during their stay. However, we are also always happy for you to give us a call for an update at any time throughout the day. Please make sure we have an up to date contact number for you and that you have this phone with you throughout the day so we can contact you if required.
If you have any questions regarding your pets care or procedure please don’t hesitate to contact us on
01692 407126
