24 /7 On-site Emergency Service for Clients
Heath Road, North Walsham, NR28 0JB
01692 407126 or 07880 233835

Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 08.30 - 18.30
Evening consultations 19.30 - 21.30 available by prior arrangement
Sat 09.00 - 12.30
24/7 On-site Emergency Service Please call the surgery to be directed to the veterinary surgeon on duty

Toll Barn Veterinary Centre - In the News !
We have been priviledged to become involved in several interesting cases which have made it
into both the local and worldwide media !
Toll Barn Vets Celebrates 10 years!
We proudly celebrated our 10 year anniversary on 27 January 2024! Newspaper link here
Toll Barn Vets Gets The Go Ahead!
Newspaper link here.
New Practice Opens in North Walsham.
Newspaper link here.
Faye Removes a Hand Sized Bladder Stone.
Poor Ossie the 90 year old Tortoise came in to see us when she was feeling under the weather following hibernation. X-rays, ultrasound scans and blood tests showed she had a large bladder stone and lots of eggs sitting in her abdomen causing her problems. We removed the offending bladder stone and spayed her at the same time to stop her having problems laying eggs next year.
Newspaper link here.
The Constipated Goldfish -
A concerned owner brought in a pet goldfish which was unable to pass faeces due to a large tumour blocking the area. We anaesthetised the fish and carefully removed the offending lump. The area was closed using special tissue glue rather than stitches. The goldfish recovered well and is now back home enjoying being able to lead a normal life!
Microchip Drive and Tortoise Day
Due to the high number of cats being brought in as strays or invovled in accidents with no identification to help us contact worried owners, Toll Barn Vets teamed up with RSPCA East Norfolk to offer free of charge microchips for cats during April 2015. Our annual Tortoise Day also featured in the article below!
News article here
Volunteer Healthcheck Day with RSPCA East Norfolk
We were proud to assist the RSPCA East Norfolk with their free healthcheck day as part of their community action campaign! News article here